Wednesday, April 4, 2012

house rearrange inspiration

This post is going to be a blob of photos copied and pasted from the web...  and the Ikea catalog... 

For the living room, I am in LOVE with this set up.. not what I was originally planning, but I discovered it yesterday online when I was emailing Vic a photo list of Ikea inspiration....  I HOPE this is available in Portugal...
The Original Idea
Will add some cabinets to keep baby from eating books/ dvds... 
With the matching bookcase to one side...
unfortunately, we cannot fit two..

What else.....  So if we do our living room with the above bookcase/ media center, we free up some other bookcases to bring upstairs to the second floor.  Our current bedroom will become Victor's office/ guest room.  Vic wants a drafting table with the backlight and everything, but unfortunately, I think that desk my have to wait.  Ikea does have a glass top drafting desk, but it doesn't angle forward so we may have to hold off on that idea for awhile...  We have some desk options for him, some wall shelf ideas, etc.  But the biggest issue is storage for his sound studio equipment.  In the past, our entire third floor of our house was Vic's functioning sound studio where he recorded many bands and albums...  Complete with soundproofing on the walls.  The man now hunches over his laptop on the living room couch working all hours of the night.... SO BAD...  so he deserves a really awesome space all to himself.  My heart... <3  So, DESK, to be determined, equipment storage, to be determined too... But I LOVE this sofa-bed!!  Oh!  It's darling!  And he may not have a choice in the matter.     
Love the grey!  Oh so cute!
Found this on a baby website... its soundproofing!!
Now THIS I can dig!  And I think Vic will agree!! 

There are some really cute glass cabinet bookcases for Victor's office and guest room space, though I will spare you the endless Ikea bookmarks I have made... For now.

But now, for OUR ROOM, it will be combined with the nursery. We have some major reconstruction to do. First off, our home is technically a three bedroom, which in theory works beautifully. Our room, Bianca's room, and Baby's room.  But as I said, Vic needs an office, this is non-negotiable, to me, less to him.  Plus, as of now, we don't even USE the entire third floor of our house, as it is so badly organized, filled with stuff, an old bed, Vic's childhood furniture, more of my books, my elliptical, etc...   There are also some issues to work out, too.    (I don't know why this text is in the middle here, I can't fix the format.. sorry....)
1.  Wallpaper.  We need to wallpaper, before we do ANYTHING.  I posted awhile back on Facebook, seeking any tips about wallpapering projects.  The biggest reaction/ response I received was "don't do it."  But this really isn't an option.  The walls are Portuguese.  (Duh.)  They are painted concrete.  And have chunks missing, from when Vic pulled down the soundproofing foam when he dismantled his studio a few years back.  So unless someone wants to donate time and money to us to fix the walls, wallpaper it will be.  And I keep thinking that in a year from now, we will be moving somewhere, so we need to keep in mind our future resale value.  

We've decided to combine our bedroom with the nursery for a few reasons:  
1.  We don't have the space for a separate nursery.  
2.  I plan on nursing baby for the first 6 months to a year, as recommended.  (I hope all goes well with this one..!!)  Co-sleeping is also something I am interested in.  (Still reading about this one.)
3.  Due to our weirdly shaped house, we have to put our bedroom on the third floor.  Or we can put Baby's room on the third floor.  But out of sheer convenience, we think it's best to keep it all together.  
4.  The third floor is the biggest space in the house and has a private bathroom.  The room is designed to be the masterbedroom/ suite.  Vic just never used it that way...  But now he will!!  Lucky man!  HA!

Ok... back to the list of things to do: 

2.  Rearrange.  Once we wallpaper the third floor (and paint Vic's office) we have to literally swap ALL the furniture between the two floors.  We have a small storage room on the third floor too, which will also end up being reorganized when we do this process.  Maybe storage shelving will have to be bought for this space too...  Biggest challenges of the rearrange:  the slant.

Slant inspiration
The ceiling in the storage space is slanted, major pain in the ass.  But can be dealt with, as one doesn't spend much time in there...  But the ceiling in our future bedroom also has a huge slant... which makes storage options much more limited.  (Again, once I have a functioning camera, I will post pictures so you all can give me your sympathies and ideas for inspiration.)  

So, because of the slanted wall in the (future) bedroom/ nursery, I have been searching the internet for any and all options.  Also, I technically have no closet.  Vic's closet will have to be moved upstairs, I have a chest of drawers now, but I have my clothes hanging in Bianca's closet, and in plastic storage bins in our room, and in the storage room.  THIS SUCKS.  There is a beautiful corner closet at IKEA (though I can't find the picture right now) which would work beautifully, but I don't know if it will be big enough.... There are a few other wardrobe options which I am looking into.

3.  Victor's childhood furniture.  I've had no idea what to do with it.  I want to keep it, because it's Vic's... But what do I DO with it?!!  I think I have more sentimental attachment to it than he does....  It just may work out perfectly in the end.  The width of our future room (and the width of the slanted wall is something like 15 feet.  But even short bookcases  (like the one pictured here on the right) won't fit, as the slant is so low.  With my brilliant Mama coming next week, I'm thinking, we may haul the furniture outside, shabby chic it white, and have all the baby cabinets, clothing storage we need!  Oh oh oh I hope it works out... The furniture is dark mahogany finished, but its 70s modern, and pretty worn out...  So if we paint it white and shabby it up, it can work beautifully with a simple white crib, the white dresser I already have, and the white wardrobe I'd like to buy.  Also, our bed is a pretty muted grey bed frame, super simple.  It's just a matter of playing an epic game of Tetris.  

This was the original idea I had for storage
underneath the slanted wall, but the damn
cabinets are too tall!! UGH!!!  
4.  Nursery.  I'm thinking grey, green, yellow, taupe, cool blues, muted chocolate brown, etc.  Anything that we do for the nursery, we need to keep in mind its for our bedroom too.  I have bookmarked some super cute wallpaper ideas, I'm really digging some stripes, but I don't know if I want to go that far...  AHHHH.     

Yeah... If I had the space for a walk-in closet/room for my little babe, I wouldn't need design tips.  Grr.
(Still cute ideas though.)  LOVE the color scheme.  AND I LOVE the owls.  I know, super trendy...
But it's gender neutral...    
5.  Other fun stuff.  So in addition to the grey sofa bed that I love for Victor's office (and for my parents to sleep on, when they are here for the month of August!), I also love this little lounger.  Ideally, I will have found the perfect gliding rocking chair, but if not, this will be an awesome substitute.  And I imagine Victor working on his computer (laptop table and lap accessories to complete the look) and giving baby the 3 am bottle...  I think this chair may be the most important piece of furniture we will buy!!  So those are my ideas in progress!!  I have some other DIY projects to decorate, but that will come later... First thing is first... Wallpaper.  Paint. Rearrange. GO MAMA GO!  Or maybe I should say, Come Mama Come help meee!!!!!  HAHa!!            

The laptop side table

And lamp


  1. is the sofa bed and that lounger ikea? i think its the exact ones my friends have in like a blue/grey /slate color. so cozy!!

    1. they ARE the ikea ones!! i have a talent for picking out comfy mattresses and chairs.. so i am confident that this will be a comfy sofa and lounger.... have you ever slept on the sofa bed part? ask yr friends if they like sleeping on it??! vic liked this thin futon couch... based on his choice of mattress pre-wife, he will never choose another mattress/ couch again... i call our old bed The Punisher... HAHha!!! <3

  2. It looks like a woman's house i use to clean haha. She had the black floors in the the babies room and her room. She also had a lot of the same furniture same colors and modern style. neat-o!
    miss you

    congrats on the pupppppyyy!! so cute exact doggie i would get :)
