So I am officially 16 weeks pregnant (4 months) and our little baby is the size of an avocado. I think this is the best news ever... I just LOVE me some avocados! One day, when Victor and I have our dream house, we will have a huge huge garden with American avocado trees (and oranges, lemons, limes and olives, plums, peaches and apples.... I know this is irrelevant to baby making stuff, but its nice to think about, when dreaming of our Baby Avocado).
From weekly email I receive...
16 weeks. |
"Baby's now the size of an avocado!
Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean s/he can now pick up your voice. A few more miniscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming."
So, I have to disagree with this smooth, gorgeous healthy skin business. I will admit, I have been blessed all my life with healthy skin. I have had no major complaints in my entire life about my complexion. I wash my face, I get a pimple every few months (if ever), yadda yadda yadda, yes I am a lucky b*tch. I always wear sunscreen, I never go to the beach or pool without my sun-proof hat, and when I run a lot during the summer, I get the occasional little pimples on my temples under my hairline where I wear my running headband.
Pregnant Jax: OMG eww. It is February. It's 45 degrees F here in Portugal. It is rainy and cold at night. It's not like I am running outside during hot summer months right now, there is no "normal" reason why I should be breaking out like I have been these last few weeks! It is so gross and I feel guilty complaining about it, as I've only had "bad skin" for a month, and hopefully it will clear up in the next few months at most... but it is a definite adjustment! Instead of washing my face only once a day, I'm upping it to twice a day, maybe three time if necessary... I feel like I need a face-sized Bioré strip thing. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Gross. Thank you genetics for blessing me with nice skin, most of the time. (My mama says I'm "peaches & cream.")
My next complaint: I don't have a belly yet! My butt is bigger, my boobs feel huge (Victor happily agrees) and while I have a little pudgy belly, there is nothing too exciting happening up front quite yet. I have gained 2 kilos so far (about 4.5 lbs) which is a big deal for someone who is 5"1, but as far as pregnancy goes, it's really not all too much to see. My doctor says everything is wonderful and on track. Two weeks ago for my last check up, I got to listen to baby's heartbeat! It was just one of those little microphones that you stick on the belly (don't know what it's called) and while it was super early and the doctor said we probably wouldn't hear anything yet, sure enough, we heard it! I kept laughing and popping the microphone thing out of place. (Same thing happened when Vic and I went for my first sonogram last month.)
Changing gears...
One of my biggest motivations for wanted to write a BabyBlog was to address is the personal intimacy of pregnancy and being adopted. The first few weeks after I found out I was pregnant, I was really freaked out. (Not in a bad way, just freaked out in a normal Oh Sh*t, Now What? sort of way...) Of course, first time pregnancy is strange and scary and exciting and all the other emotions you can possibly feel simultaneously, but I have had such limited experience with pregnancy that I kinda felt like a phony. I sincerely felt like I was lying when I told friends and even family over Christmas in New York... I had no belly to sorta' show off, all I could do was forgo the booze. And I couldn't stay awake past 8 pm. Which could have easily been attributed to jet-lag...
Anyhow, I will definitely be writing a lot more about this topic, and the tangents that spiral out from this whole concept of being adopted and now experiencing pregnancy for the first time. I looked online briefly, to see if there were any books about it. I found nothing on the topic. Granted I think I looked for about 20 minutes, but nothing was jumping out at me. Which is fine, the initial weirdness has passed, but I would really like to explore this topic more.
I would just like to note to the world, I have no personal adoption issues. I was raised by my two wonderful, nearly-perfect parents, I had a happy, healthy childhood, and I am a relatively well- adjusted adult. Of course I was a pain in the ass teenager with typical teenage angst, but I blame that on growing up in Westchester- HAHahhAHha!!! I never had "adoption issues." I have never had intimacy issues in relationships. This is the first time in my life that adoption has affected me in any way, and it's more of a curiosity about a topic I don't know about, rather than an issue. When Victor and I first arrived at my parent's house for Christmas holiday, and we were all hugging and kissing and Mama and Daddy were asking about the baby stuff, we had a great laugh saying, "Oh sh*t- NOW WHAT DO WE DO?! Does anybody know?!" So Mama bought me a ton of baby books, and Aunt Lesley is my next go-to source for bun-in-the-oven questions.
Anyhow, I've gotta get a move on, the cleaning lady (oh wonderful, wonderful, sweet angel Galina) is coming in an hour and a half... And I have to shower, tidy up (why do we feel the need to clean before the cleaning lady comes?!) and I have to run a ton of errands before I pick up Bianca from school today at 5... Oh so much to do.
And I promise I will start posting more pictures.... Again, my 11 week sonogram is coming soon as I set up the scanner, maybe some baby pictures of me and Vic, a little belly shot, good things like that. I know you all are waiting with baited breath...... AHhah!!!
PS. My New Favorite Website:
Anyone can feel free to get me ANYTHING from this website.
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